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Having the tools is NOT the same as using the tools… February 28, 2011

Posted by aplaceforgracie in Finance/Budget, Health/Weight Discussion, Life Management.
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Yes, I have tools–lots of them. Some are for minor household projects, some are for working on my motorcycle, some I have NO idea what to do with (i.e. vacuum cleaner, iron and ironing board… ;D ). Then there are the tools made to help with self-improvement projects. Those are the ones on my mind today. Those are the ones that, if I’d use them regularly, would allow me to manage some of the areas of my life that are constantly out of control. I pay for online support tools and weekly meetings for a popular weight loss program that I love, but I don’t use the tools as seriously as I’d like, given that I’d like to be about 40-45 pounds lighter. I have weights and DVDs to lead me through the strength training that I really do enjoy, but I rarely make time for them. I bought software to help with finances and budget control. I use it to record the facts (income & expenses), but don’t use it for analysis and future planning (Where have I spent too much? What can I cut down on?). I don’t take horoscopes too seriously, but when I saw the beginning of today’s, I realized it fit right in with what I’m trying to do right now. “Today you may emphasize organizing things and managing your life…” And this was AFTER I thought very seriously about getting down to the business of using all the neat, productive tools at my fingertips! Hmmm…

Time to take advantage of all this stuff, or maybe think about getting rid of it. If I’m not going to use it, no sense in having it take up space in my budget, my hard drive, or my house. That’s what I’ll be focusing on for now–using them or clearing the decks. Seems this silly blog has potential as a management tool for me. And I can sure use it!